Description: Assignment from Robert Darby of Ofchurch, yeoman, with the consent of Thomas Boughton of Bilton, esq., to Humphrey Hale of Stivichall, gent. (reciting a lease dated 30 September, 11 Charles I from David Bull to Eustace Burneby and Alice Knightley [no. 858] and reciting its assignment, dated 14 April 1648, from Eustace Burneby, who outlived the said Alice Knightley, to the said Robert Darby [endorsed on no. 858]) for 5 shillings paid by the said Humphrey Hale to the said Robert Darby, and for 156 pounds paid by the said Humphrey to the said Thomas Boughton, of the leasehold premises described in no. 858; to hold for the residue of a term of 99 years. Signed: Robert Darby (by mark), Thomas Boughton. Witnesses: John Payne, William Coxe (by mark), Abraham Boune, Francis Waters, William Wright Endorsed: Robart Darby and Thomas Boughton to Hale, 1658.
Date: 12/11/1658
Last import: September 11, 2017

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