Conveyance (Feoffment) for £30

Description: From (a) Richard Swone alias Hampson (son and heir of John Swone alias Hampson of Slaugham, decd.), to (b) John Pecock of Slaugham, weaver Messuage, garden and one croft of land (3 a.) adjoining called Hammisherne in Slaugham, in length from S. towards N. between the highway leading from Crawley towards Truggershatch and the land of Cullesley, and in breadth between the land called Hurstmansland and the land called Hesfeild; and a lane leading into these lands 'bering on the west syd therof' Warranty by (a) against himself, his grandfather and father. Covenant that (b) shall be saved harmless from the dower and jointure of Agnes Swone alias Hampson, the wife of (a); and covenant that (a) will about the beginning of Michaelmas Term next make further assurance to (b) by fine and recovery of land (3 a.) in Slaugham called the Wellfeild heretofore conveyed to him, as well as of the above properties Witnesses to sealing and livery - John Pepper, Richard Gardiner, John Wynn, John (?) Hutt Mark and seal (part missing) (a)
Date: 20/08/1597
Last import: September 11, 2017

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