Robert Johnson, William Hancock, John Smith, John Collins, Samuel Lord, James Aspinal, Charles Lee, George…

Description: Robert Johnson, William Hancock, John Smith, John Collins, Samuel Lord, James Aspinal, Charles Lee, George Faulkner, Richard Bond (highway robbery), John Taylor, Thomas Lang, John Royle, James Dawson, Thomas Allen, James Statham, James Hoole, James Simpson, George Wilson, Thomas Norris, Thomas Smith, James Holden (burglary) George Phillips, James Jones, Thomas Johnson, (stealing in a dwelling house) Henry Ashworth (uttering a forged bank notice), William Hyde Sykes (uttering a forged endorsement on a Bill of Exchange), William Mitchell, Houghton Hinton, Thomas Swodkin (horse stealing), James Jones (stealing a heifer), James Walker (sheep stealing). All to New South Wales for life, except William Hyde Sykes (7 years).
Date: 24/04/1822
Last import: September 12, 2017

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