Lease and Counterpart Lease, with letter of agreement. 1. Christopher Jobson of West Hyde Lodge, Rickmansworth, Herts. 2. Henry Everett of Millwall, cooper. From 1. to 2. for 36 years, of a piece of land 15′ wide fronting West Ferry Rd. and 22′ wide front
Description: Proviso that 2. spends £200 building a brick wall along the north boundary, and a warehouse and stables. Rent: £40 p.a. Plan in margin shows the land is between land occupied by Mrs [Elizabeth] Hare and land occupied by Mr.Everett. On dorse of lease: Surrender of 27 Nov. 1876 whereby a new lease is made for 26 years from Jobson to Samuel Charles Everett of Nine Elms, Surrey, cooper (brother of Henry Everett, who died 3 Jul. 1875 leaving 'Millwall Cooperage' and 5 nearby houses - viz. 1-3 Providence Place, West Ferry Rd., and 2 houses occupied by John McDonald, butcher, and Mrs. Hare - to his brother Samuel Charles), after the discovery of an error in the lease of 24 Dec. 1866, in which the frontage on Marsh St. should have been stated as 15' not 22'.
Date: 24/12/1866
Last import: September 12, 2017