Tenements and land in Overwatersthipe Tuesday after the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin…

Description: Tenements and land in Overwatersthipe Tuesday after the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 50 Edward III [5 February 1376] Gift (1) Ludovic Banndevyle, vicar of Hawkesbury, Thomas le Fox, rector of Horton, and Nicholas Pieres of Old Sodbury (2) Richard le Pope of Hawkesbury and Matilda his wife All lands and tenements of (1) at Overwatersthipe in the manor of Hawkesbury To hold of (1) paying all customary services, save service to the King Warranty Given at Hawkesbury Witnesses: John Joye, Robert Chalkleye, Nicholas Wyneband, Geoffrey Wyneband, John Targys, and many others Seals: originally 2, on tags; seals missing
Date: 01/01/1376 - 31/12/1376
Last import: September 11, 2017

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