Settlement of lease

Description: Settlement of lease of farm or grange called Leasland, parish of Godshill, lately in tenure of John Weste deceased, which Sir John Meux, father of (1) hath leased (1) by writing (dated 16 May 1613) on lives of (1), John Mewys eldest son of Sir William Mewys, elder brother of (1), and John Hickford, gentleman, son of William of Dixon, co. Gloucester, esquire, to hold to (2) as trustees for lives of (1) and Radcliffe Mewys, his wife. (1) Bartholomew Mewys, gentleman, younger son of Sir John Mewys of Kingston (2) Felix Gerard of Grayes Inn, Middx., esquire; Gilbert Gerrard of Harrow on the Hill, Middx, esquire; Edward Button of Buckland, Hants, gentleman; Henry Button of Buckland, Hants, gentleman
Date: 01/01/1616 - 31/12/1616
Last import: September 11, 2017

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