Accounts of income from Slimbridge Grounds and Bradley, 1620-27 [“a Booke of acountes, another of…

Description: Accounts of income from Slimbridge Grounds and Bradley, 1620-27 ["a Booke of acountes, another of the same was sent to my husband and another to my brother Oldisworth be reson that ther wear speech geven that I had keept the greatest part of our means for my oune mainteyance for my clearing my unkle docter Master caused the accounts to be draune up and sent to them"]; terrier of messuage at Bradley leased by John Nelmes from the Dean and Chapter of Bristol, 1732; estate particulars including valuation relating to partition between Elizabeth and Mary Nelmes (sisters) in 1754, 1734-54; copy lease of Bradley from the Dean and Chapter, 1802 Original bundle order
Date: 01/01/1620 - 31/12/1802
Last import: September 11, 2017

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