Deed of Covenant to Surrender 1. Richd. Gough of Shrewsbury, esq. 2. John Dodson of Cressage, esq. 3….

Description: Deed of Covenant to Surrender 1. Richd. Gough of Shrewsbury, esq. 2. John Dodson of Cressage, esq. 3. Walter Burley of Shrewsbury, gent. 4. Richd. Watters of Longnor, esq. 5. John William Watson of Shrewsbury, gent. William Eyton of Condover, gent. Recites 3668/15-25 £3000 and £800 still owing to 2. Now for £4063 and 4½% interest paid by 4. to 2. at request of 1., 1. 2. and 3. agree to surrender property in Ford as a above to the use of 5. trustee of 4. 1. to be allowed to receive the rents, profits etc. from the property.
Date: 04/05/1832
Last import: September 12, 2017

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