Articles of Agreement. (1) agrees to surrender a tenement and pieces of land called SPRAULS, GUILLIAMS, HOME CROFT, BREWEN and others, part of MANOR OF SOUTH BADSLEY at next court baron to use of (3). (2) agrees to surrender her reversion in the same prop

Description: (1) Mary Wheeler, widow, of Lymington, Hants (2) Jane Wheeler, spinster, of Lymington (3) Sir Richard Worsley of Appuldurcombe, I.W. Consid: (3) pays (1) annuity of £14 for life (3) pays (2) annuity of £13 4s. for life to commence from death of (1)
Date: 01/01/1775 - 31/12/1775
Last import: September 11, 2017

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