Draft of deed of covenant between (1) Wm. Hyde of the city of London, Richd. Hyde of the same city, only child and heir apparent of Wm. Hyde, and Starkie Hyde of the same city, devisees in the will of Eliz: Hyde late of the city of Chester, spinster, dece

Description: Draft of deed of covenant between (1) Wm. Hyde of the city of London, Richd. Hyde of the same city, only child and heir apparent of Wm. Hyde, and Starkie Hyde of the same city, devisees in the will of Eliz: Hyde late of the city of Chester, spinster, deceased, (2) Margt. Taylor of the city of Chester, spinster, sole executrix of Eliz. Hyde, and (3) Jno. Philpot of the Inner Temple, gent. and Joseph Eaton of the city of Chester, clerk; concerning the delivery of title deeds etc. of an estate in Frodsham, co.Chester
Date: 01/01/1774 - 31/12/1774
Last import: September 11, 2017

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