Lease for a year

Description: By JOHN GRATWICK of Arundell, esq., to ELIZABETH GATES of Horsham, widow, of certain lands, part of a farm called Crodocks and Brewers in Ashurst, namely:- The Hether Leme, 5 ac.;, The Farther Leme, 7 ac.; the Horse Croft 10 ac.; the Calves Croft Laggs, 1ac.; the Calves Croft, 5 ac.; the Ground Lane, 2 ac. leading from the Calves Croft Laggs to certain posts and rails lately set up cross the Lane between a field of John Horlyes called Stroodsland (see No SAS-BA/398) Signature, John Gratwick junr. and seal Witnesses:- Nic. Gilbert, Percy Shelley
Date: 28/11/1728
Last import: September 11, 2017

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