Lease for a year

Description: By John Cripps of Ockley, co. Surrey, gent., to Tobias Johnson of Eastgrinsted, co. Sussex, gent., of the messuage and lands called Homestall in East Grinsted containing 130 ac. and another messuage or tenement with the cherry garden next adjoining containing 13 ac., one little coppice, 4 ac., one close of meadow, 1 ac., and one little close of pasture or graden, 1 ac., formerly taken out of Ashurst Wood Common in East Grinsted, in the occupation of John Monke Signature John Cripps, and seal Witnesses:- Thos. Chapman, Jos. Cooke
Date: 09/08/1704
Last import: September 11, 2017

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