Lease and release

Description: James Burley of Blakeney, Awre, butcher, and Anne his wife (one of the two daughters and coheires of Jonathan Webb of Blakeney, butcher, deceased, only son of said Jonathan Webb the elder), Anne Webb (relict of said Jonathan Webb the elder and mother of the said Anne Burley), TO Charles James of Stroate, Tydnam als Tyddenham, gentleman. Lease and release of a moiety or half part share of Cock Shoote Croft (1 acre), Field Ground (3 acres), the Lanke (½ acre), decayed barn on Cockshoote Croft, all in Blidsloe, Awre. Considerations £46, 5s.
Date: 01/01/1709 - 31/12/1709
Last import: September 11, 2017

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