Conveyance and lease for a year of the charity school at Lugley Street, Newport

Description: Consid. 10s (1) Robert Clarke, esquire of Carisbrooke (2) Leonard Lord Holmes, baronet of Killmallock, Ireland Sir William Oglander, baronet of Nunwell Thomas Lord Bolton of Bolton Hall, Yorkshire R.H. Sir Richard Worsley, baronet of Appuldurcombe p. Godshill Sir John Barrington, baronet of Swainston p. Calbourne William Oglander, esquire of Nunwell p. Brading Rev. Henry Worsley, doctor of law of Pidford House p. Arreton Edward Rushworth, esquire of Freshwater House Richard Clarke, gent. of Newport John Delgarno, esquire of Newport James Kirkpatrick, esquire of Newport (Trustees of the charity school, Newport)
Date: 21/09/1802 - 22/09/1802
Last import: September 11, 2017

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