Forty deeds relating to property in Baydon, Aldbourne, Atworth, the manor of Berwick St James,…

Description: Forty deeds relating to property in Baydon, Aldbourne, Atworth, the manor of Berwick St James, Biddeston, Calne, Charlton Park, Coombe Bissett, Corsham, the rectory of Dinton and Teffont, Fisherton Anger (including the Friars Gatehouse), Fittleton, the manor of Fivehead Manor (Som), Fovant, the manor of Heale, Landford (the Earldoms), the manor of Netton, the manor of Northcombe, North Nibley (Glos), Norton, Ramsbury, Salisbury (including the house of the Dominican predicatory friars in St Clement, near the city, and the Priors Lodging), the manor of Steeple Langford, Stourton, the rectory of Wilsford and Manningford Bohun, Warminster, Wilton and Wootton Bassett. With (i) agreement relating to the enclosure of East Grimstead Common, 1723, (ii) survey of the manors of Fonthill Gifford, Stop and East Hatch, 18th cent, (iii) report of the valuation of Teffont Evias estate, 1818, (iv) bonds, 1679, 1806, (v) probate will. Thomas Burrough of Devizes, proved 1781, (vi) inspeximus relating to Milford Bridge, Salisbury, c1649, (vii) writ to the sheriff of Wilts to produce a debtor before the court, 1800, (viii) extracts (1712-1807) made from deeds in Lord Pembroke's muniment room, 1854. Parties: Nott, Parminter, Hewes, Snowe, Estcourte, Rodes, Eyer, Chaffyn, Scott, Collier, Butler, Frampton, Davies, Hyde, Clotterbooke, Clidesdale alias Hidden, Willoughby, Kingston, Morgan, Petty, Richmond, Nicholas, Hulbert, Bennett, Andrews, Erington, Stockeman, Twyne, Martin, Ridgeway, Fort, Stourton, Bracker, Edwards, Bradden, Charlton, Hayter, Spier, Lynch, Gauntlett, Hall, Duke of Kingston, Mussell, Forster, Symes, Fallis, Ernle, Whoode, Dawken alias Randalle, Aske, Hospital of St Nicholas, Salisbury, Elderton, Pembroke and Montgomery, Beaumont, Lambert, Swayne, Lambe, Bradshawe, Mayo, Pinnell, Dalmer, Goldney, Snelgar, Scutt, Knyvett, Gore, Ferris, Hort.
Date: 01/01/1347 - 31/12/1347
Last import: September 11, 2017

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