Phillip Lane.–Lord Zouch to the Mayors, Bailiffs, and Jurats of Hythe, New Romney, Rye, and Lydd.

Description: "His Majestie hath beene of late pleased by his Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England to geve power and licence unto Sir Edward Howard, Knighte, to erect and sett up a light upon the Nesse near adjoyning unto you, intending it will be for the generall good of all marchants and others which passe that waye by sea, and I understandinge thereof and desirous to performe all worthy office of a carefull governor towards all his Majesty's subjects inhabitinge within the Cinque Portes, and not knowinge how prejudiciall or disadvantage the building of such lanthorne might be to you which dwell thereaboutes, have by my place interpassed and as yet stayed all further proceedings therein till I had geven my advertisement thereof, wherefore I praye you to enter into a serious consideration of the busynes and after mature deliberation and a necessarie consultation taken therein, to certefie me how you approve the course intended herein."
Date: 01/01/1615 - 31/12/1615
Last import: September 11, 2017

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