Lease & release

Description: By Ann Mason, widow, of Wickham Market, & her Brother Wm. Morris, gent. late of West Smithfield, London, now of Wantisden Hall, & wife Ann, to Geo. Burley, gent. of Lincoln's Inn, of Farm in Dennington (occ. by Thos. Dobson); Manor of Staverton with Bromeswell; Staverton Park; Donative of Wantisden Church; Tithes of Wantisden; Farm in Wantisden (occ. by Jn. Cutting & Jn. Trusson); Farm in Thelnetham & Wattisfield (occ. by Wm. Warren); for purpose of partition. 23. & 24.Jan.1789.
Date: 01/01/1789 - 31/12/1789
Last import: September 12, 2017

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