Lease and release

Description: Lease and release of part of piece of land called Furlongs, parish of Carisbrooke. (measuring north to south 420 feet, east to west 225 feet), bounded on east and west by other part of Furlongs, on north by road leading to village of Clatterford, and on south by another road leading to village of Clatterford (1) Edward Pittis of parish of Carisbrooke, grocer (2) Thomas Pittis of Newport, wine merchant (3) Edward White of parish of Godshill, yeoman (4) James Adams of parish of Carisbrooke, gent. (5) Francis Worsley of Newport, gent. Consideration: (4) pays (1) £450 (5) becomes trustee for (4) (2) and (3) give consent
Date: 01/01/1819 - 31/12/1819
Last import: September 11, 2017

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