Lease for a year

Description: By WILLIAM PENFOLD late of West Tarring and then of Goring, gent., and JAMES PENFOLD of Ferring, clerk, (devisees in trust under the Will of John Penfold of Ashington, clerk decd.) and JOHN PENFOLD of Battle, draper, and mercer, eldest son and heir of the said John Penfold decd., to THOMAS DENNETT of Lock in the parish of Ashurst, gent., of the said messuage, lands and premises called Broadbridge Farm in Ashington, Washington, Worminghurst and Thakeham. Signatures of lessors and seals. Witnesses:- Hen. Penfold, Chas. Searle
Date: 13/11/1781
Last import: September 11, 2017

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