King’s writ of inquiry whether Robert Campyon’ of Egynton’ husbandman, [crossed through], Ralph Wheledan of…

Description: King's writ of inquiry whether Robert Campyon' of Egynton' husbandman, [crossed through], Ralph Wheledan of same husbandman, Richard Hyde of same, John Hyde of same husbandman, William Pereson of same husbandman on 5 Jul 34 Hen VIII [1542] assembled at Egynton' with force of arms (sticks, swords, shields, knives and others) and broke into close of Thomas Rolleston' esquire called le Ball acre at Egynton' under command of Humphrey Babyngton esquire and destroyed crops growing there and disturbed the king's peace
Date: 01/01/1542 - 31/12/1542
Last import: September 12, 2017

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