Lease for one year

Description: 1. Thomas Lockwood, Mortimer St, Middx, esq.; William Dunn, Lincolns Inn, do. gent.; Charlotte Michell, Culham Court, Berks., sp.; Philip Lybbe Powys the younger, late of Hardwick, Oxford, now Fawley, Bucks., esq. and Louisa Powys his wife, formerly Louisa Michell, sp. 2. Thomas Gilbert, St. John Wapping, Middx., sailmaker. Christchurch, Spitalfields: messuage on W. side of Wood St. - the 1st house from corner with Brown's Lane; messuage on W. side of Wood St. on corner of Brown's Lane; messuage and buildings, formerly a dyehouse, on S. side of Browns Lane (dimensions and occupiers given) Plan.
Date: 01/01/1790 - 31/12/1790
Last import: September 11, 2017

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