II HALE and others v DE LA WARR
Description: For a summary of this case see the Introduction Before Mr Justice Fry in Chancery Plaintiffs: Bernard Hale esq. of Holly Hill, Hartfield, and his wife, Charlotte Cecilia, Sir Spencer Maryon Wilson, 10th Bart of Searles, Fletching, and Robert Melville esq of Hartfield Grove, Hartfield Defendant: The Right Honourable Reginald Windsor Sackville, 7th Earl De La Warr Counsel for the Plaintiffs: Philip H Lawrence and R.E. Webster, Q C, instructed by Messrs Raper and Ellman, Battle, through their London agents Messrs Horne, Hunter and Birkett, 6 Lincoln's Inn Fields Counsel for the Defendant: not ascertainable from the papers, instructed by Messrs Cope and Co, 4 Victoria St, Westminster
Last import: September 11, 2017