Reflexions and observations by Sir Matthew Hale on theological and legal subjects, including some printed in Contemplations moral and divine

Description: As follows: Meditation on the Lord's Prayer (Contemplations). Printed Works, II, 451-568 (ff.1-64). 'A preparative against affliction' (Contemplations). Printed op. cit., II, 393-439 (ff.79-96v). A letter to his children concerning affliction (ff.97-8). 'Touchinge ceremonyes' (ff.99-100). 'That reason [is] not a sufficient in [sic] guide in matters of fayth' (ff.101-8). 'Concerninge the state of immortallity', Aylesbury, 23 March n.y.(ff.109-10). 'Concerninge the greate mercy of God in preservinge us from the power and malice of evill angells', Cambridge, 16 March 1662. Printed A collection of modern relations of matters of fact concerning witches and witchcraft, 1663, 1-8 (ff.111-14). 'Considerations concerninge the malefactors there', Thetford, 9 March n.y. (ff.115-116v). 'Considerations fitt to bee had in tymes of changes and publique concussions' (ff.117-20). 'The use of the law' (ff.121-122v). 'The folly and mischeife of sin' (Contemplations). Printed op.cit., II, 346-9 (ff.123-124v). 'That a preachinge ministry of the Gospell must bee kept up' (ff.125-128v). List of contents by Edward Stephens and a note by Hale that the volume was given to his wife 1 March 1674 (f.iii). Vellum cover inscribed 'Lords Prayer. Meditationes proprie'. iii + 131 ff.
Last import: September 11, 2017

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