Description: --"We humbly beg leave to expresse our great greife for the death of our late dread Sovereign and your Majestie's most dearly beloved brother. Wee blesse God for the preservation of your sacred Majestie and of your undoubted right to succeed him upon the throne of your royall ancestors. It is a just reward for all your sufferings, all your virtues, your steddy constancy to your friends and to your word, your mercy and forgivenesse to your enemies, the great example of your life in justice, temperance, patience, industry and integrity, your undaunted courage, so often tryed in the great varieties of your active life, your entire obedience to the King, your brother, and the strict regard you have allwaies had to our lawes. Your Majesty has been graciously pleased to promise you will still preserve them. May God Allmighty, who put it into your heart to make that gracious declaration, for ever confirme you in a sacred resolution to observe it. So may you live and reign, live long and happy, abundantly blessed with peace and plenty, blessed with a numerous progeny from your most illustrious consort, and may there never want one of this royall line to sway the scepter of these kingdomes. And may the people be never wanting in their allegiance to assist your Majestie, as wee do solemnly promise wee will with our lives and fortunes." Copy.
Date: 01/01/1685 - 31/12/1685
Last import: September 11, 2017