
Description: For construction of drain to carry water from springs and rivulets on (i)'s land to land of (ii) and (iii) 20 May 36 Charles II, 1685 (i) Jane Bestland of Cowerly, Fordingbridge, widow (ii) John Bishopp of Gowerly, Ibbesley, yeoman (iii) John Bayly of Gowerly, Ibbesley, yeoman Four parcels of Moorey or marshy land adjoining Fryerne Southe Meade, bounded on the east with North Gowerly Field, and containing 15a The north part belongs to (i), the middle part to (iii) and the south part to (ii)
Date: 01/01/1685 - 31/12/1685
Last import: September 11, 2017

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