Agreement prior to recovery. Moiety of MANORS OF GATCOMBE and WHITWELL

Description: (1) Dame Constance Poole, widow, late wife of Sir Gefferey Poole, daughter and co-heir of late Sir Edmonde Pagenham Arthur Poole, her eldest son (2) (a) John Tawke of Gatcombe Thomas Tawke of Rowkeley (b) William Porter of Newporte, gent (c) David Urrey of Thorley (d) William Deacon of Newchurch (e) Richard Newland of Shank[lin] (f) William Harvye, son of Margaret Harvye of Whitcombe, p. Caresbrooke (g) James Gryme of p. Caresbrooke (h) Richard Newnam of Northford, p. Godshill (i) Nicholas Coleman of Wathe (j) Richard Newnam of Southford (k) Richard Ailesbury of p. Godshill (l) John Bradinge of p. Godshill Division amongst purchasers as follows: (a) Cap. messuage in p. Gatcombe. 1/2 advowson of Gatcombe Church. Moiety of messuages occ. John Tawke, John More, Johan Nutt, widow, John Erlisman, gent., and William Newinge. Moiety of five messuages in p's Gatcombe and Caresbrooke occ. Alice Goter, widow, Robert Holloway, Nicholas Whysset, Nicholas Harvie, John Harvie of Parsonage and John Slader (b) Moiety of messuages p's. Gatcombe and Caresbrooke occ. John Payne of Wytcombe, William Harvie of Lake, Margery Newyng, widow, Alyce Boyes, widow, John Bowyn, John Doverman (c) Moiety of messuages occ. John Willarre, John Gilbert, John Maister (d) Moiety of 2 messuages, p's. Newchurch and St. Hellens, occ. William Deacon and George Paye of Duxmore (e) Moiety of 1 messuage p's. Gatcombe and Caresbrooke, occ. Alice Wade, widow (f) Moiety of messuage at Wytcombe, p's. Gatcombe and Caresbrooke, occ. Margaret Harvie, wid. (g) Moiety of messuage at Witcombe p's. Gatcombe and Caresbrooke occ. John Harvie (h) Moiety of cap. messuage in Whitwell, occ. Robert Hales, Richard Newnam of Northforde, Richard Edes, Johan Joylif, widow, Dorothie Holebroke, wid., William Jacobbe, Richard Newman, clerk, Agnes Allen, widow, Andrew Spanner, William Tippe, Thomas Serrell, John Serle of Stockbridge, William Orchard, Alice Chidlee, widow, John Aylesbury, Ellen [blank] widow, William Gain, Thomas Jacobbe the elder, Thomas Jacobbe the younger. Moiety of Whitwell Church House. (i) Moiety of three messuages in Whitwell and Wathe, p. Godshill, occ. Nicholas Coleman, Gilbert Harding, John Prowte (j) Moiety of 2 messuages and one water mill in Whitwell and Gatcombe, occ. Richard Newnam of Southford and Alice Harvie, widow (k) Moiety of messuage at Whitwell, occ. Richard Ailesbury (l) Moiety of messuage occ. John Bradinge and Alice Slader
Date: 01/01/1560 - 31/12/1560
Last import: September 11, 2017

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