Exemplification of common recovery

Description: For manors of Knighton, Ashey alias Ashley, Ride alias Buckland, Apps, Mottiston and Westover alias Caulborne, 73 messuages, 10 tofts, 2 water grist mills, 3 dovehouses, 1,800a. land, 240a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 140a. wood, 1,150a. heath and furze, 200a. moor, 20a. marsh, in Kingston, Newchurch, Ashey alias Ashley, Ride alias Buckland, Apps, St. Hellens, Brading alias Brearding, Sandham, Chale, Godshill, Motteston, Westover, Caulborne, and Shalfleet, I.W., and advowson of Motteston church. (1) John Bowler, Gent. Demandants Humphrey Stear, Gent. Demandants (2) John Killingworth, Esq. Tenant to precipe (3) Sir John Dillington, Bart. Vouchee [Ex HBY/1364]
Date: 01/01/1694 - 31/12/1694
Last import: September 11, 2017

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