Book of enrolments at Sessions, c. Michaelmas 1800 – c.Michaelmas 1813 ; Contents: Winchester to Basingstone near Bagshot, Surrey turnpike, deed of exchange of land at Alresford Road, Winchester, 2 September 1800 (pp.1-12); Basingstone Canal Company deeds

Description: Book of enrolments at Sessions, c. Michaelmas 1800 - c.Michaelmas 1813 ; Contents: Winchester to Basingstone near Bagshot, Surrey turnpike, deed of exchange of land at Alresford Road, Winchester, 2 September 1800 (pp.1-12); Basingstone Canal Company deeds, 4 July 1796 - 19 June 1798 (pp.12-140); Shipton Bellinger enclosure award, 7 February 1793 (pp.140-256); Andover Canal Company deeds, 10 December 1800 - 4 June 1801 (pp.257-277); Easton enclosure award, 4 August 1800 (pp.278-346); Basingstoke Canal Company deeds, 24-25 December 1800 (pp.347-377); Whitchurch enclosure award, 30 October 1798 (pp.378-467); assignment of a certificate of exemption from parish and ward offices (a Tyburn ticket) in the parish of Whitchurch by Edward Shackell to Edward Hayter, grocer, 20 March 1804 (pp.468-472); pp.473-491 left blank; memorial of a codicil to the will of the Earl of Beaulieu, 12 October 1797 (pp.492-494); transfer of an annuity charged on the Earl of Beaulieu's estates by Thomas Crowther of Shefford, Bedfordshire yeoman to Thomas Loggen of Basinghall Street, London, gent., 25 July 1807 (pp.494-501); grants of rentcharges, James Wickham of Sutton Scotney to sons William and James, 31 August 1808 (pp.502-505); p.506 left blank; Sherfield English enclosure award, 21 October 1810 with coloured plan of Sherfield Warren, 1809 (pp.507-535); p.536 left blank; assignment of a certificate of exemption from parish and ward offices in the parish of Kingsclere by John Hunt, labourer to John Curtis, yeoman, 26 August 1813 (pp.537-538); Volume, 538 pages. With index (pp.i-iii)
Date: 01/01/1800 - 31/12/1813
Last import: September 11, 2017

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