
Description: By WILLIAM ANSELL by direction of JOHN BEARD and by nomination of JOHN WARD, to JOHN GRATWICKE of Needs in Westgrinsted, - for £337. 10s. paid by John Ward - of the said Mortgage of 19 Sept., 1684 to Robert Leeves of lands called Northlands and North Green in Ashurst Robert Leeves was dead, having appointed William Leeves as his executor, and he, with John Beard, 8 July, 9 Wm. III, assigned the Mortgage to Wm. Ansell, with aproviso for redemption on payment of £100 By deed of 31 Oct., 1 Jas II (1685) John Beard mortgaged to John Soper of Westgrinsted, yeoman, - for £165 - a messuage or tenement called Landfords als Ford, with 90 ac. of land and 20 ac. of pasture, 6 ac. of meadow and ½ ac. of wood ground in Ashurst. John Soper assigned, 9 June, 1695, to John Gratwicke, who assigned, 29 April, 1695, to John Priaulx, with a further charge, making together £241. 10s. John Priaulx assigned, 19 Oct. 1696, to William Ansell, with a further advance of £53, making together £315. And John Beard, 27 June, 1703, charged both Northlands and North Green and Langfords als Ford with a further advance of £105. 10s Signatures, Will. Ansell, John Beard and John Ward, seals gone Witnesses:- John Linfeild, Joh. Bridger
Date: 28/09/1704
Last import: September 11, 2017

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