Lease for lives or 99 years and bond 1) Gabriel Hale of Cottalls, Wilts, esq 2) Mary Compton of Inglscombe [Englishcombe, Somerset], widow. Messuage called Cross, lands in Upper Field, at Whatcombehead and in Innox in Englishcombe. Consideration: £60 down

Description: Lease for lives or 99 years and bond 1) Gabriel Hale of Cottalls, Wilts, esq 2) Mary Compton of Inglscombe [Englishcombe, Somerset], widow. Messuage called Cross, lands in Upper Field, at Whatcombehead and in Innox in Englishcombe. Consideration: £60 down and 3s pa
Date: 03/06/1710
Last import: September 11, 2017

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