Mr Roberts’s Opinion relative to Mr Baldwyn’s delivering up a Settlement in his custody (the…

Description: Mr Roberts's Opinion relative to Mr Baldwyn's delivering up a Settlement in his custody (the settlement of 25 September 1717 on the marriage of John Hale and Mary Gough. As he had no issue by her, the settlement is out of the case; but as a recovery was suffered to enure to uses of the settlement and Mr Corbet Hale's title was by virtue of the remainder in fee limited to his father by that settlement, it is the material deed relating to the title and Mr Baldwyn on behalf of his Infant son, who is only tenant for life, and the devisees in remainder under Mr Childe's will, cannot with propriety part with it. The Hollies is not comprised in this deed, only the estates in Kinlet and Alveley
Last import: September 11, 2017

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