Mynn v. Thomas

Description: Amended (The amendment was to substitute the words in italics for those in square brackets.) Petition and Appeal of [the Honourable Robert Cecil, and Elizabeth his wife, relict and administratrix of Richard Hale, deceased, Rowland Mynn, Gent., and others] Rowland Mynn, Administrator to the goods of Rose Hale (with her Will annexed), unadministered by Rowland Hale, son and executor of Rose Hale, Bernard Mynn and Dionis Davenant, widow. Annexed: a) 29 Oct -- Petition of Anthony Thomas, Respondent, for further time to answer. Lords Journals, XIV. 534. b) 6 Nov -- Answer of Respondent (now in HL/PO/JO/10/3/184/3). c) 25 Nov -- Petition of Rowland Mynn, on behalf of himself and of Bernard Mynn, his brother, and of Dionis Davenant, widow, his sister. d) 28 Nov -- Petition of Rowland Mynn, Bernard Mynn, and Dionis Davenant for an early day for hearing. Lords Journals, XIV. 569.
Date: 20/10/1690
Last import: September 11, 2017

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