Transcript of writings by Sir Matthew Hale

Description: As follows: 1. Poems on Christmas Day, 1651-68 (omitting 1664). Printed in Works, II, 237-8, 581-614, where many are given different dates (ff.1-12v, 26-30). 2. 'Directions touching the keeping of the Lord's Day'. The transcript is incomplete, and only ff.13v-14v is printed in Works, I, 194-6. It then breaks off with the note 'this not finished becaus beinge in Mis Aderly's hands it came to the press before I had the opportunity to write out the remainder'. Subsequent passages, which differ from the printed text, are headed 'These followinge I borrowed of Mis Aderly since the death of her father which were his directions to her when shee was very younge' (ff.13v-21). 3'.Directions given to Mr. Mathew Hale by his father which I also borrowed of Mis Aderly since his decease'. The letter contains advice on going abroad (ff.21v-25). 4. Letter from Hale to his daughter on reaching the age of 18, 23 March 1660, entitled 'Thes were further directions given to Mis Aderly by her father which I also borrowed of her after his decease' (ff.31-7). 5. Letter entitled 'Infermityes of youth' (ff.37v-49v). Bound in vellum inscribed 'M 1658'. 50 ff.
Last import: September 11, 2017

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