Assignment of lease for 900 years

Description: 1. Isaac Symball, St Anne Westminster, gent., and John James jun. and Abraham Bridell, St Martin-in-the-Fields, carpenters 2. Oliver St John, St Anne, esq. Premises: parcel of ground in Gelding close, great Gelding close or Pesthouse Field, formerly St Martin, now St James Westminster; abutting south on Silver Street, north on the Pesthouse Wall, adjoining west on ground let to Richard Tyler, east on ground let to John James sen (measurements given); and buildings there Consideration: £245 Reserved rent: £3 10s 0d yearly Endorsed: witnesses: John Plate, George Downes, Thomas Apthorpe, Jo. Burley
Date: 01/01/1688 - 31/12/1688
Last import: September 12, 2017

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