Release in fee

Description: (Following Lease for a year) By JOHN HAMOND of Ashurst, yeoman, and ISAAC HARPER of London, gent., to EDWARD SOALE of Ashurst, yeoman and JAMES SOALE, youngest son of the said Edward, - for £495 - of All those fields and parcels of land, part of a farm and lands called Crodocks and Brewers, viz:- The Hether Leme, 5 ac.; the Farher Leme, 7 ac.; the Horse Croft, 10 ac.; the Calves Croft Laggs, 1 ac.; the Calves Croft, 5 ac.; the Ground Lane, 2 ac., leading from the Calves Croft Laggs to certain posts and rails lately set up cross the said Lane between a field belonging to the Glebeland of Ashurst and a field belonging to John Horley called Sroodsland; a meadow called Abbott Mead, 3 ac.; all the said premises, except Abbotts Mead abutting to lands of the said Edwd. Soale, E., to the glebeland of Ashurst partly and partly to a lane in Ashurst called Goddard Lane, N. and W. and to other lands of John Horley, S Abbotts Mead bounding to lands of John Beard called Northlands, E. and W., to Fordbridge Lane, W. and to the river, S All in Ashurst, Signatures of grantors, seals cut off Witnesses:- Ri. White, Thos. Hammond, Thos. Ested (?). Nicholas Bagshawe, Geo. Sligg(?), Jo: Watson Enrolled in Chancery, 19 Feb., 3 Wm. & Mary
Date: 10/02/1691
Last import: September 11, 2017

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