
Description: Of stock on the marriage of (i) and (ii), 17 September 1823 (i) John Morant of Brockenhurst House, esquire (ii) Hon. Caroline Augusta Hay, commonly called Lady Caroline Augusta Hay, a minor aged 19, third daughter of William Hay Carr, late Earl of Erroll deceased (iii) Freeman Willis Eliot of Cumberland Street, Portman Square, Marylebone, Middlesex, esquire, guardian and maternal uncle of (ii); Rt. Hon. William George Hay Carr, Earl of Erroll, brother of (ii) (iv) Edward Gregory Morant Gale of Upham House, Hants, esquire; Samuel Lambert of Hinde Street, Manchester Square, Marylebone, esquire, Lieutenant Colonel in H.M. Army Enclosed is a receipt for £20,000 invested by (iii) and (iv) in Consolidated £3% annuities
Date: 01/01/1823 - 31/12/1823
Last import: September 11, 2017

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