
Description: Between Thomas Bowles of Standon, esq, 1st, and William Hyde of Throcking, gentleman, son of George Hyde late of the same, esq, deceased, Edmund Kympton of Weston, gentleman, and Thomas Thourgood of Albury, yeoman, 2nd, to declare of the uses of a recovery to be suffered against Thomas Bowles of the Manors of Norton, Challers and Chamberlains and property in Norton, Baldock, Newnham, Bygrave, Ashwell, William, East Reed, West Reed, Buckland, Barkway, Therfield, Royston and Sandon, with the rectories, parsonages and advowsons of the Churches of Norton and East Reed. The Manor of Norton and property in Norton, Baldock, Caldecote, Radwell, Newnham, Bygrave, Ashwell and Willian to the use of Thomas Bowles and Mary his wife: Edmund Kympton and George Thourgood are to stand seised of the rest of the property to the use of William Hyde. Signatures. Seals
Date: 22/04/1557
Last import: September 12, 2017

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