Release by John Bradbury of Adswood in the parish of Cheadle, yeoman, Charles Astley, late of Sale and now of Cheadle Heath, yeoman, George Hulme of Bramhall, yeoman, and James Darbyshire of Edgeley in the parish of Cheadle, yeoman (trustees for the sale

Description: Release by John Bradbury of Adswood in the parish of Cheadle, yeoman, Charles Astley, late of Sale and now of Cheadle Heath, yeoman, George Hulme of Bramhall, yeoman, and James Darbyshire of Edgeley in the parish of Cheadle, yeoman (trustees for the sale of the late James Astley's estates), to David Hyde of Stockport, flaxdresser, of the same
Date: 01/01/1745 - 31/12/1745
Last import: September 12, 2017

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