Sale particulars

Description: Of Copped Hall Farm, 3.5 miles from Eling, including 53a of land. Lies between Winsor and Tatchbury, and is marked as Copied Hall Farm on the first edition OS and later maps. An outlying portion of the property is situated on the eastern side of the road from Netley Marsh to Lyndhurst Road Station. Carter's Tenement, a house and 2a of pasture in Marchwood, Eling, apparently on the south-eastern corner of the main street, Marchwood, and the road to Byams House To be sold on 19 Sep 1884 by the devisee of Sir Frederick Hutchison Hervey Bathurst. Includes schedules of field names and acreages, and plans There is no obvious connection with the Mildmay estates, but Messrs Warrens are named as the vendors' solicitors
Date: 01/01/1884 - 31/12/1884
Last import: September 11, 2017

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