Lease for 99 years determinable on 3 lives.

Description: (a) Rt. Hon. William Francis Spencer, Lord De Manley of Canford House, Dorset, and Thomas Henry Graham of Edmond Castle, Co. Cumberland, esq. (b) Rt. Hon. Barbara, Lady De Manley, formerly Lady Barbara Ashley Cooper, spinster. (c) William and James Waterman of Poole, joiners, Isaac Notley of Poole, gent., John Brown of Parkstone tithing, Borough of Poole, merchant, George Gollop of Poole, joiner, Susannah Roe of Poole, widow, Isaac Steele of Poole, esq., and William Tice of Sopley, co. Hants, esq. (d) George Penney. Property: I Recites: (i) 6 March 1827 Order In Chancery (as Add. MS. 47,233) (ii) Add. MS. 47,233 Consideration: £100. Annual rent: £12. Covenant: perpetual right to renew lease on additional lives for a fine of £100. Plan. Lives: David Welsh Saunders, aged 66, George Waterman, aged 40, and Elizabeth Horne Penney, daughter of George Penney, aged 16.
Date: 28/02/1839
Last import: September 11, 2017

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