Deeds of property I

Description: The history of property I begins with John Ward of Ashurst, yeo., who appears to have made three separate wills, in 1709, 1711 and 1715 (nos. WISTON/345-347). The last of these (proved 6 April 1717), devised the property to his two sons, John and James Ward, of whom James, by his will, 23 March 1736/7, gave the estate to trustees for sale (no. WISTON/348), who conveyed it, 6, 7 February 1737/8, to Mathew Ward of Steyning, husbandman, in consideration of £100 (nos. WISTON/349, 350). The said Mathew Ward, by his will, 15 June 1776, devised the property to his wife Catherine for her life, or during her widowhood, with remainder to his eldest dau., Ann, wife of James Graves of Ashurst (no. WISTON/351). The will, 29 Dec. 1810, of Ann Graves, ordered that 'Little Fell Bridge' should be auctioned (no. WISTON/352); (the bundle includes printed Stamp Office receipts for legacy duty under the said will, 1823-27; nos. WISTON/353-355). In the ensuing sale, John Bannister of Steyning, esq., was the purchaser, and it was agreed that he should retain £157, being ¼ of the purchase money of £628 to which James, Elizabeth, Maria and Frances Graves, as the four children of Edward Graves, late son of the testatrix, were entitled, until they should attain the age of 21. The deeds of conveyance to John Bannister are 28, 29 April 1812 (nos. WISTON/356, 357), and there is an abstract, 1822, of the property involved, described as 'Copy Parcels' (no. WISTON/358). Also in 1812 is a series of receipts from Jane Woodhatch, John Robinson (for his late wife, Elizabeth), and Richard Parkin (for his wife, Catherine) and Sophia Mason (née Brakespear) for legacies under the said will of Mathew Ward, of whom they are children and grand-daughter; the legacies had been charged on the above property (nos. WISTON/359-362). James Graves of Washington, servant, the eldest son and heir-at-law of the said Edward Graves, released his interest in the property to the said John Bannister, 31 Oct. 1821 (nos. WISTON/363, 364 (Lease and release, both dated 31 Oct. 1821)), and the conveyance is endorsed with similar releases, 1823-27, from Elizabeth, Maria and Frances Graves.
Date: 01/01/1709 - 31/12/1827
Last import: September 11, 2017

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