Sir Wm. Molyneux at Wellow; opposition to Mr. White at Retford “… Mr. White gave…

Description: Sir Wm. Molyneux at Wellow; opposition to Mr. White at Retford "... Mr. White gave up the day before after his canvass, he had not one gentleman attended him and was shouted all over the town by all, Tinkers and Chimney Sweepers, I never heard of such scandalous usage, and as soon as Mr. White declined, the other side sent to Mr. Offley and offered it to him, if he would joyn Sir Sissel Raye, which he did. ... Mr. Hurst the clerk of the peace, was the only gentleman that was for him. Kirke Brights, Sutton, Poplewell, Parker, Lowther etc. [against him] I am very sorry it was not in my power to do Mr. White service, upon yours and Sir George's account ..."
Date: 09/03/1768
Last import: September 11, 2017

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