Deed of feoffment

Description: By John Mercer of Hendfeild, yeoman, to Edward Henshawe of Cockfeild, gent. - for the purpose of a Common Recovery - of All that messuage, barne, orchard, garden and lands called Mokebridge containing 50 acres in Hendfeild And lands, tenements &c. in Hendfeild in several parcels called the Westlands, Westbrooke, Chestham, Smaleacre, Hurst, Ashurst and the Coppice lande, containing in the whole 42 acres Signature, John Mercer, and tag (seal gone) Witnesses:- Thos. Ketchell, Geo. Luxford Enrolled before the Keepers of the Liberties of England, Hilary term, 1650-1
Date: 20/01/1651
Last import: September 11, 2017

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