Cancelled original will of Ann Wood of Ditchling, widow

Description: Pecuniary and chattel bequests to her daughters Ann Brown, Elizabeth Combridge and Sarah Hallett, eldest son Henry Wood, sons James Wood, Richard Wood, Thomas Wood and William Wood, grandsons Nathaniel, James, Peter, Henry and John Brown, grand-daughters Elizabeth Prier, Mary Brown, Mary Hallett and Ann Hallett Freehold messuage, barn, garden and croft in Ditchling, purchased from Thomas Davies, to son Richard Wood Overseers: kinsmen James Wood of Keymer, yeoman, Michael Martin of [Keymer, Plumpton deleted] (Rottingdean), yeoman and [John Beadle of Falmer [Peter Geere of Ashurst], yeoman W: John Fuller, John Fuller the younger, Jane Fuller
Date: 11/01/1745
Last import: September 11, 2017

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