1. Corbet Hale of the Hollyes in the parish of Enfield gentleman, eldest son and…

Description: 1. Corbet Hale of the Hollyes in the parish of Enfield gentleman, eldest son and heir of John Hale late of the Hollyes gentleman and grandson and heir to John Hale and Joice his wife, both long since deceased, Joice being one of the three daughters and coheirs of John Pardoe heretofore of Cleeton gentleman deceased 2. William Lacon Childe of Kinlet esq Consideration: £1100 Lease and release of the manor of Moorhall in the parish of Kinlet, heretofore belonging to the monastery of Wigmore, the capital messuage and farm called Moor Hall, a meadow adjoining the messuage, the Park meadow, the Whitefields, the Church Hill, the Pitt fields,, Eady fields, the Barn fields, Gosmores, Stock meadow and Moland meadow (Sarah Bromley widow) Covenant that the title is not encumbered by acts of Corbet Hale's father and mother or grandfather and grandmother, covenant for further assurance Signature of Corbet Hale Witnesses:- John Ingram, Rupert Dovey, Edward Ingram
Date: 01/01/1750 - 31/12/1750
Last import: September 11, 2017

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