Manor of Little Hinton, Ashton Farm and advowson of Stanbridge with property in Hinton Parva…

Description: Manor of Little Hinton, Ashton Farm and advowson of Stanbridge with property in Hinton Parva alias Stanbridge, Ashton, Wimborne, Kingston Lacy, Holt or Hinton Martell. Rectory and parsonage impropriate of Ewell, Surrey, brickhouse and outhouses thereunto belonging with tithes, tenement called Whitehouse with garden and adjoining messuage, orchard and garden, at Ewell, messuages in Waddon and Quedgeley, Gloucestershire. Site of White Hart in Thames Street, St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, London. Freehold messuage at Blandford Forum. Freehold estates at Avon in Ripley, and Sopley, Hampshire. Freehold estate called Brooms in Wynford Eagle; one of these deeds also includes 3 small messuages in Callows Street, brick messuage with garden, adjoining freehold messuage and garden, 2 more messuages, one with garden and 5 acres in common fields all at Ewell. (Glyn, Lewes, Lloyd).
Date: 01/01/1790 - 31/12/1790
Last import: September 11, 2017

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