Peter Phillips and his Wife, and their Mortgagees ans Trustees, namely – Thomas Brown, Peter…

Description: Peter Phillips and his Wife, and their Mortgagees ans Trustees, namely - Thomas Brown, Peter Guile, Stephen Leeke and Elizabeth Heyes of Raby in the County of Chester, spinster To William Hale and his Trustees, namely - John Faulkener of the City of Chester, gentleman, Charles Potts of the City of Chester, Esq., Charles Mamilton of the City of Chester, Esq., RELEASE IN FEE of property in Frankby as in DRO 2/8 above With an Assignment of aterm of 1000 years upon Trust to attend the inheritance Signed by - Peter Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips, Thomas Brown, Peter Guile, Stephen Leeke, Elizabeth Heyes, William Hale, C. Potts Witnessed by - Jn. Faulkener Jnr., Isaac Hale, Esther Heyes, Chas. Potts J. ENDORSED with MEMORANDUM 5 July 1822 To the effect that by the Indentures of Lease and Release made 28 & 29 June 1822 the three Heath Heys were conveyed for a consideration by William Hale to John Robin of West Kirby, his heirs etc, for ever, the residue of the term of 1000 years therein mentioned being assigned to Bryan King of Liverpool, starch manufacturer, in trust for John Robin Signed - Wm. Hale Witnessed - Jno. Peacock
Date: 28/01/1817
Last import: September 11, 2017

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