Deed of Covenant and further mortgage

Description: 1. Edward Hyde, Norbury, co. Chester, esq., to 2. Richard Nettleton, Earles Heaton, Yorks., gent. Reciting that, by Bargain and Sale of 2 Aug 1689, Edward Hyde sold to Richard Nettleton all his manors, lands and tenements lying in Norbury and Hyde, co. Chester, Houghton in co. Lancaster, and in Skelmanthrope, co. York; for sum of £5,000. Richard Nettleton also gave to Edward Hyde at the same time, a defeasance of the deed. Since then, Richard Nettleton has lent a further £1,305 9s. and by a deed of covenant dated 2 Aug 1690, this further sum has been added to the principal of £5,000 and the premises remain held in law until the full amount is repaid. By this agreement, Edward Hyde has borrowed further sums from Richard Nettleton amounting to [ ] which shall be added to the previous sum of £5,000 and £1,305 9s. and interest.
Date: 02/08/1691
Last import: September 11, 2017

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