Romney and Walland Marshes

Description: The description of Romney Marsh Walland Marsh Denge Marsh & Guldeford Marsh ... By Math. Poker, 1617. Republished 1845 by W. Tiffen, Hythe & Folkestone Ex sump: David Papillon Esqr. Dedicated 'To the Right Honble. the Lords, and other Proprietors of the Lands in these Levels' by James Cole. 2.3in. to 1m. 24½ x 32. Includes the area from Rye and Appledore to Hythe. Shows and names channel sluices, walls, creeks, sewers, guts and bridges. Shows highways; churches (mostly as conventional buildings) and houses (some named), mills, beacons, pounds, 'cabones' [fishing cabins], and groynes drawn in perspective view. Description of the way the waters drain. There is another copy of this map, RYE/132/14.
Date: 01/01/1617 - 31/12/1617
Last import: September 11, 2017

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