
Description: Of messuage or tenement called Hovingford, p. Arreton, I.W., being dwellinghouse etc. and closes etc. called:- Meadow etc. on n. -e. of hóuse, 7a. Dornfordhill with the moor adjoining on the w., 14a. Dornford Close, 7a. Upper Mill Close, 3a. Dornford West Close, 5a. Lower Mill Close, 5a. Parock on e. of Lower Mill Close and now in common with it, 1a. The whole abbs. e. common highway from Newport to Godshill, w. River Medena and two closes of William Stephens, Esq., s. land of Henry Worsley, Bart., n. highway from Stone Cross to Gatcombe Also close called Dickmans with the moor adjoining, 3a., abbs. w. common highway from Newport to Godshill, e. a brook, n. land of John Young, s. land of William Stephens, Esq., called Andrew Kings Except the mill called Hovingford Mill alias Blackwater Mill, lately parcel of Hovingford, the mill parocks on w. side of River Medena and a butt of ground in Lower Mill Close, 40p., and another butt marked out from the sheepwash to e. end of the fearne reek, the sheepwash itself and use of two furnaces in the dwellinghouse [of Hovingford]. Consid: £550 (1) Richard Foquett of p. Arreton, I.W., yeoman (2) Edward Meux of Corvve, p. Chale, I.W., gent. [Ex HBY/910]
Date: 22/06/1658
Last import: September 11, 2017

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